MathGym (Faculty Tutor Q&A Centre in Mathematics)

Mathematics Garden

Reading Corner

The Reading Corner provides a list of reference MATH books from our TAs who learned mathematics from different schools and different teachers as well as with different mind-sets. A pack of MATH used books can be found in the Centre. Please come to visit us and check it out! Here are our Tutor’s favorite books on the subjects of Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Advanced calculus:


Linear Algebra

Advanced Calculus

Question Quest

The Question Quest provides a list of MATH problems with its solutions. Here are a collection of questions provided by our Tutor among the subjects of Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Advanced calculus. Please download it here. If you like to know questions answered and require our tutor to check your answer(s) and discuss with you, please use on-line booking system to register for the time-slot(s) and talk with our correspondent tutor.